1. Implement a complete set of activities against flash floods, urban floods and forest fires and WUI risks.
2. Establish an integrated approach for protecting critical infrastructures.
3. Establish an innovative method to monitor forest fires and floods risk at cross border area and an early warning – alerting system.
4. Provide modern equipment to fire brigade, forestry and civil protection services in both countries.
5. Plan, elaborate, implement and evaluate two (2) large scale cross border exercises that will reflect SOLVE’s implementation progress, test all identified challenges and help organization of such exercises in permanent basis.
6. Organize a series of training events for professionals and volunteers but also key players and media from both countries including joint training at centers of excellence.
7. Organize an awareness campaign to address entities and general public in order to establish a safety culture at the cross-border area.
8. Implement a novel program for 1st responders health, safety and after event care.
9. Promote research on cross border risk linked to climate change impacts.